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The Transition Healthcheck: An Essential Tool for Thriving Groups

Recording and/or Handouts: 

Click to view handout. 

Webinar Description:

As part of international Healthcheck Month, Mike Thomas of the Transition Network will lead a webinar on the Transition Healthcheck, in which he will explain how it works and how it can benefit your group. The Healthcheck is structured around seven essential ingredients of Transition that have been shown to help create thriving, effective, and enjoyable Transition Initiatives in many different contexts, cultures, and countries around the world.

Specifically, the Healthcheck has been designed to help your group:

- Reflect on where you're at and spark conversations about what’s working well and could be strengthened, as well as what isn’t working and might need to change;

- Celebrate your strengths, successes, and failures as opportunities for ongoing learning and development;

- Identify areas that might need more attention, skills, or resources; and

- Clarify appropriate next steps, which might include focusing on fewer things.

About This Webinar: 

This free, interactive webinar is limited to 100 participants, so please register early! If all spaces are filled, you will still be able to watch a live broadcast of this event on the Transition US Facebook page. However, only those who have registered in advance will be able to participate in polls and ask questions of the speaker.

Webinar Presenter:

Mike Thomas has been working for the past four years as Transition Network's Transition Initiative Support Coordinator, overseeing the development of support structures and resources including the Essential Guide to Doing Transition and more than 40 additional resources designed to help Transition groups more effectively build resilience in their local communities.


 Don Hall, email: