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How can Transition form unlikely alliances and spread its message "beyond the choir"?

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(Presentation Slides) From Meetings to Movements- Social Permaculture Strategies for Transition:

In this TeleSeminar Adam will address how relocalization advocates can start to shape local public policy. Join permaculturalist, author, and social entrepreneur Adam Brock in this interactive workshop designed to take our local initiatives to the next level.

Adam Brock is social permaculturalist based in his hometown of Denver, Colorado. As co-founder of The GrowHaus, Adam led the transformation of an abandoned half-acre greenhouse in Colorado’s most polluted zip code into an award-winning permaculture demonstration site that engages thousands of residents per year. Adam is active in the local and national permaculture communities, serving as co-founder of the Denver Permaculture Guild, co-organizer of the inaugural North American Permaculture Convergence, and a contributor and guest editor at Permaculture Design magazine. Adam’s most recent project, "Change Here Now," is a social permaculture pattern language published by North Atlantic books in 2017.

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